Summer Holiday Program
We at Educate Tutoring would love to extend a heartfelt thank you to all who participated in our Summer Holiday Program from December 2021 to January 2022! We had such a great time with our dedicated students. Here are a few insights into wonderful learning outcomes:
Marina* – Maths Tutoring
Marina participated in 4 sessions of Maths tutoring, specifically in measurement. She was introduced to measuring length, distance, perimeter and area of quadrilateral shapes, capacity/volume, weight/mass, time and money. We completed several practical activities related to real world situations and explored the language of measurement. Marina is now able to convert and compare different units of measurement and also explored the relationship between liquids and weight. During this unit, Marina was practising and broadening her skills in mental computation of whole numbers, decimals and fractions. She developed a toolbox of “tricks” to assist her into the future!
Flynn – English Tutoring
Flynn participated in 8 sessions of English tutoring. We engaged in reading, writing and spelling activities. We also explored phonemic awareness and linking symbols to sound through phonograms. In addition to addressing English skills, learning skills and their importance were also emphasised. Oftentimes, students may experience anxiety and frustration in the classroom, so at Educate Tutoring, we aim to provide a safe space for students to grow in their interest towards learning! Flynn is now able to utilise spelling skills with increased confidence due to heightened decoding skills and has improved in his willingness towards the learning process.
Owen – English Tutoring
Owen participated in 12 sessions of English tutoring. At the beginning of the program, Owen struggled to decode and spell 3-letter words and lacked confidence in reading. During the program, he was re-introduced to reading, writing, spelling, phonemic awareness, phonograms, and creative planning. Additionally, we emphasised the core elements of English learning to solidify Owen’s understanding of how all the parts fit together! By the end of the program, Owen was able to understand and retain the reading and writing process and the connections between text forms. He was able to recognise and understand common phonographs and identify common double letter phonographs. He proudly improved confidence in reading 4 and above letter words!
Alain *– English Tutoring
Alain participated in 8 sessions of English tutoring and experienced success in reading fluency and comprehension. At the beginning of the program, Alain was able to read simple one syllable words by sounding aloud. Blending sounds together was not an automatic skill. By the end of the program, Alain had progressed to reading a full book from our decodable readers. He read with fluency and expressed emotion and understanding of punctuation. Alain was able to answer questions, make predictions and summarise the books he read. He also made great gains with his handwriting and is now capable of forming the majority of his letters correctly. Alain can now articulate each of the jobs of silent final ‘e’ in his spelling words and uses this knowledge to decode and encode new words!
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