I’d like to extend a personal and heartfelt thank you for your understanding and support of the measures we have taken to adjust to the ever-changing coronavirus landscape.
Whilst prioritising the health and safety of our students and their families, we remain as committed as ever to the continuing educational support of our students. It is our aim to assist your child’s ongoing engagement with learning, particularly in the event that attendance at school or college is disrupted.
As our service continues to evolve, we have been working with technology in a new and exciting way that allows us to connect students seeking academic support and extension from remote locations. As of Tuesday 24th March, all lessons will be delivered through the online conferencing facility, Zoom. For more information about Zoom, follow this link.
Please know that the transition to online service delivery is a preventative measure and is being implemented in accordance with government recommendations.
Whilst the timing of these changes is unexpected, we are excited about the possibilities it may present moving forward.
I am most grateful for the opportunity we have to work with you and your family, and I thank you for your patience and understanding as we all navigate these unusual times. Do not hesitate to make contact should you have any queries about how tutoring may work for you and your family. Let’s stay connected during this time. Stay safe and look out for one another!
Warm regards,
Naomi Wright

Director, Educate Tutoring