Teaching Skills


Recruitment & Finance Manager


Hi, I’m Alex! I’m the friendly Manager behind the desk. I am currently completing my Bachelor of Psychology and Bachelor of Business with the University of Tasmania and completing my Certificate 3 in Business through a traineeship with Educate Tutoring. I have been with Educate Tutoring for four years. I began in Grade 9, after completing an internship and it wasn’t long before I became an employee. I am passionate about the arts and you’ll often find me humming to soft jazz or bopping my head to funk music in the office. I fell in love with reading at an early age and from then on learning was enjoyable and something I strived for. I have been able to channel this passion through the hands-on and practical approach to learning of a traineeship. I love Educate Tutoring for the learning culture that we have cultivated both with our students and as an employee team! I hope to see you here, as I’d love to hear about your favourite book and something special you’ve learned!

Soft Skills

Critical thinking and problem solving
Emotional intelligence
Strong organization skills